Arsinoe Nassiou, is a 23 old woman based on Thessaloniki. She is from Ioannina and she is a
designer and maker. She has studied Architecture design and currently she works as a
graphic designer. She is passionate about making handmade bags and polymeric clay jewels.
She would describe herself as highly motivated, adaptive easily, funny and constantly
creative. She thinks graphic design is a way of visualizing and expressing what’s on her mind.
In her free time, which, most of the times, is restricted she loves hiking, visiting museums
and exhibitions and going on excursions. She also loves cats but she doesn’t have her own
yet (fingers crossed). Her idea of volunteering is that it is very important and necessity to
help wherever and whenever you can and you may not earn money, but you earn life
experiences…. The skills you learn, the problem solving, contacting with different people and
being a part of a team.