Areti, 21 years old (almost). She studies physics at the Unversity of Ioannina. At the same time, she is part of theatrical plays, and acting in general, for several years now. She has joined a lot of different sports and types of dance for more than 10 years. Nowadays she mostly deals with yoga, cause she lacks time for more than that. Other than that, parts of her daily routine are photography and drawing! Oh, and of course music, which is her forever partner on everything she does! She travels a lot, cooks a lot and studies a lot of books. She loves gardening and, at this point of her life, she attempts to learn russian. She’s an insanely cinephile! Hmmm…that’s all! She has been a part of the festival since last year! This year, it’s an honor for her to be Head of Content, surrounded by an awesome team, full of “meraki” and passion for work!